For those who want to refrain from throwing away food wrap. At Daiso, a 100-yen shop, I found a product called "stretch wrap" that can be used repeatedly.
"Stretch wrap" is a 16 x 16 cm silicone wrap. By covering it on a plate or bowl and making it adhere to it, it helps to preserve food. The corresponding container size is up to about 18 cm in diameter. It is also compatible with freezer and microwave oven.
Not only as a food wrap, but also as an "opener". If you put it between the lid and your hand when opening the bottle, it will be easier to put pressure on your hand. Also, since one side is convex, it can be used as a non-slip mat by laying it under a squeezer or grater.
It's a little annoying that it's sticky and tends to stick together and become crunchy, but if you're living alone and you can't use up food wrap, you should rely on these items. What do you think? The price is, of course, 108 yen (tax included).