Village Vanguard masking tape
Trigonometric functions on the mast!

The 5th original goods by Suken Shuppan is now available at Village Vanguard's official online store. The lineup includes masking tapes and underlays designed with trigonometric functions, element symbols, and chemical formulas. Limited quantity.

The lineup is as follows. The listed price includes tax.

Masking tape (500 yen each)
■ Trigonometric functions
Masking tape with graphs of three trigonometric functions with different amplitudes and periods.

■ Numeral system: Large numbers / decimal numbers
Masking tape designed for the world of infinite numbers.

Village Vanguard masking tape

Village Vanguard masking tape

■ Fun physics Masking tape that expresses the main formulas learned in high school physics such as "equation of motion" and "Ohm's law" in an easy-to-understand manner with comical illustrations.

Village Vanguard masking tape

■ Elemental symbols
Masking tape with atomic numbers 1 to 20 arranged side by side.

Village Vanguard masking tape

■ Four-character idioms (four-character idioms that give you energy / four-character idioms for those who do their best)
Masking tape that collects four-character idioms.

Village Vanguard masking tape

Village Vanguard masking tape

Underlay series (500 yen each)
An underlay that is useful for taking exams that summarizes chemical formulas and mathematical theorems and formulas.

Village Vanguard Underlay

Village Vanguard Underlay

The online store also sells existing products such as a periodic table and a clear file with a pH indicator.

Village Vanguard Clear File
For existing products, there is also a clear file with a periodic table design.

Village Vanguard Clear File