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Is the Pacific side perfect at the first sunrise of 2016? Don't forget to check the sunrise time!

Where can I see the first sunrise of 2016?

The Japan Weather Association has released information on the weather during the year-end and New Year holidays (December 26, 2015-January 3, 2016). On January 1, 2016, sunny days will spread in many areas on the Pacific side, and the first sunrise can be expected.

Can you see the first sunrise? Map (announced at 08:00 on the 25th)

On New Year's Day, it is expected that the cold air will move southward and the pressure distribution will be weak in winter. Therefore, it is expected that the first sunrise will be sunny in the Tokachi region of Hokkaido and the Pacific side of Tohoku-Kinki. Inubosaki, Chiba Prefecture, which has the earliest sunrise in Japan (excluding remote islands), the observatory in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Amami, and the main island of Okinawa are also likely to see the first sunrise on a sunny day. When you watch the first sunrise outdoors, it gets colder, so be sure to take proper measures against the cold.

On the other hand, it is difficult to see the first sunrise of the year due to cloudy weather, rain and snow on the Sea of Japan side of Hokkaido to Hokuriku. Clouds tend to spread in western Japan (Kinki-Kyushu), but in the plains, it is likely that they can be seen through the clouds.

The weather forecast for each city during the year-end and New Year holidays is as follows. The information released this time is based on the forecast data as of December 25, 2015. For the latest weather information, check the weather forecast website of the Japan Weather Association.

Year-end and New Year weather in each city (announced at 11:00 on the 25th)
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