Home   »   Interior and Goods   »   Neko punch on the screen of your smartphone! -Gloves for cat lovers "Smartphone compatible cat punch gloves", from Felicimo Cat Club

Neko punch on the screen of your smartphone! -Gloves for cat lovers "Smartphone compatible cat punch gloves", from Felicimo Cat Club

The touch panel of a smartphone or tablet responds to the cat's hand or nose. Wouldn't it be easier to operate a smartphone if you make gloves that imitate the cat's hand?

Felissimo Cat Club has released "Cat Punch Gloves" for cat lovers. If you use this, you may feel like you are operating a smartphone with your cat's hands.

Gloves for cat lovers "Cat Punch Gloves" You can operate your smartphone with your cat's hands!

"Cat Punch Gloves" are gloves made for cat lovers. The design is such that the cat's hand is drawn on the index finger, and when the finger is moved, the cat's hand appears to be delivering a "cat punch". Since it is compatible with smartphones, it is not necessary to remove gloves when checking for email and SNS updates.

Check SNS with Neko Punch!

Conductive fibers are sewn on the index finger and thumb for multi-touch.

Is it a pity that it is not a paws?

Pinch operation is also a cat punch!

You can choose from three types of designs: "Kijitora", "Black and White Hachiware", and "Sabatra".

"Kijitora" version

"Black and white bee" version

"Sabatra" version The faux fur has the image of a cat's tail

Please refer to Felissimo's miscellaneous goods site "YOU + MORE!" For details on purchasing methods and prices.

Note: Taiyaki cannot be operated.
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