The i TOWER is a drink server that can hold and serve drinks such as juice and cocktails. An LED light bar that changes to seven different colors extends from the top lid, and the sleek, 58cm-long, streamlined body shines beautifully. And it's not all it seems. The basic specifications are also solid, with a drink capacity of approximately 3 liters, which should be enough for a home party, even if you add ice.

DARTSLIVE, through its subsidiary DARTSLIVE INTERNATIONAL, operates the "i Darts Group" bar chain worldwide, and the i TOWER has been well received at its directly managed store "i Darts Tokyo" in Roppongi, Tokyo. Since there were many people who wanted to purchase i TOWER, the company decided to sell it to the general public.
The official i TOWER website includes recommended drink recipes. The video is also a good reference, so why don't you try to imitate it at your party?