The "Cup Noodle Holder" was developed for such cat-handed people. When this is attached to the cup ramen, the cup comes with a handle so that even a cat-handed person can easily grasp it.

By the way, if you purchase this cup noodle holder from Amazon etc., you will need 324 yen plus shipping fee. But did you know that the product "Cup Noodle Holder", which has almost the same function, can be purchased at the 100-yen shop "Daiso"?

The function of the Daiso version of "Cup Noodle Holder" is almost the same as that of the original family. If you attach it to the cup of cup ramen, even a cat-handed person can hold the cup of cup ramen firmly. This is good news for cat-handed people.

That is not all. The Daiso version of "Cup Noodle Holder" has added functions not found in the original "Cup Noodle Holder". That is the "closure clip".
"Cut clip" is a clip for closing the lid of cup ramen. It closes the lid of the cup ramen, which tends to open when hot water is added, and prevents the ramen from getting cold. Aside from the plausible question, "Isn't a cat-handed person a cat tongue? Isn't it easier to eat when sharked?" I want to praise Daiso-san.

By the way, there is no place to store this lid clip and holder body, so it is likely to be lost soon. But it's okay. If you lose it, you can substitute as many comics and DVD packages as you have at hand.

This versatile Daiso version of "cup noodle holder". This item is definitely recommended for people who are "cat hands but not cat tongues", and people who "cannot burn their hands" such as pianists and hand sagging. Of course, the price is 108 yen.