"Bottle Loft" is a refrigerator bottle hanger that utilizes the dead space of the refrigerator. Three strong magnets and double-sided tape are attached to the elongated body, and it is used by sticking it on the ceiling of the refrigerator with double-sided tape. By attaching two main units, a 6-pack drink can be hung from the ceiling.

Conti discovered that putting a pack of 6 bottles of beer in the refrigerator would create a lot of dead space in the fridge. We have developed "bottle Loft" to make effective use of this.

In Japan, there is a "bottle pocket" for storing bottles inside the refrigerator door, and the inside of the refrigerator is finely divided by refrigerator shelves, so the need for "bottle Loft" is not felt so much. But for example, you could attach a "bottle Loft" to a cupboard or dining board and hang drinks there. It can't be chilled, but it can be displayed in a fashionable way.
You'll need to invest $ 20 on kickstarter to get it. Shipping to Japan is $ 8. Shipment is scheduled for around January 2015.