"Bass Egg" that can use a table as a speaker will be on sale in Japan on September 18th.

"Bass Egg" that can use a table as a speaker
"Bass Egg" that can use a table as a speaker

The "Bass Egg" developed by BASS EGG in the United States is a speaker that takes advantage of surface resonance caused by vibration. When installed on a table, objects such as the table function as speaker cones. It is a mechanism that vibrates the air to make a sound.

When installed, the table functions as a speaker cone
When installed, the table functions as a speaker cone

The concept of "base egg" is "everything as a speaker". According to the concept, not only tables and desks, but also surfboards, skate decks, guitars, coolers, car hoods, and many other things can be turned into speakers. It is also possible to enjoy the sound quality and volume changing greatly depending on the material and shape of the installed object.

The cooler box sounds good, but it seems to be a low density sound
The cooler box sounds good, but it seems to be a low density sound

… Doesn't this sound so much?
… Doesn't this sound so much?

The size is 9.2 height x 6 width and weighs 482 grams, which is as compact as a coffee cup. The output is 20w. The suggested retail price is 15,000 yen (including consumption tax). It will be sold on the official website of BASS EGG JAPAN.

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I'm more interested in jeans men than "base eggs". Tortilla chips, aren't you grabbed too much?