From Bandai's die-cast toy "Chogokin" series, the combined robot "Chogokin Toy Story Super Combined Buzz the Space Ranger Robo" with the motif of the popular animated movie "Toy Story" will be released on January 27, 2017. being sold. The price is 17,500 yen (excluding tax). From August 1st, reservations will be accepted at online shops, home appliances stores, mass retailers, hobby shops, etc.
The same series, whose woody version was announced last month. This time, the figures of "Buzz Lightyear", "Alien", "Space Shuttle", and "The Big One" are set, and when they are combined, the huge "Buzz the Space Ranger Robo" (total height about 205mm) ).
All figures are original designs of this product. By combining the first "Super Combined Woody Robo Sheriff Star" and "Super (Super) Super Combined", a larger robot "Super Combined Gun Great King" (total height about 350 mm) will be completed. You can also watch a short movie in which each robot plays an active part on the special site, so I would like to enjoy it together with the product.