"Piri-it! IV" designed for office use

The fourth sticky note in the "Piri-it!" Series, "Piri-it! IV", will go on sale from Sunstar Stationery in mid-September. It features an office design.

"Piri-it! IV" designed for office use
"Piri-it! IV", the 4th in the "Piri-it!" Series

"Piri-it!" Is a sticky note whose meaning and pattern change when it is torn off at the perforation on the top. Depending on the state of the sticky note, you can listen to the reaction of the other party and visualize the progress of work.

"Piri-it! IV" designed for office use
Reference image: "Piri-it! III" released in November last year. When separated, "?" Becomes "!" And "LOOK" becomes "OK".

The "Piri-it! IV" to be released this time will retain the conventional "LOOK" → "OK" and "?" → "!", But "confirmation required" → "confirmation", "correction required" → It consists of a total of 8 types, including "correction" and other sticky notes that are often used in the office. The design has also been changed for the office and can be used as a communication tool for work.

"Piri-it! IV" designed for office use

The suggested retail price is 380 yen (excluding consumption tax).