Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"

The design is simple, but the specifications are exhaustive? I found a product called "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere" and bought it.

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
There is no spout, and it has a neat and simple design.

The characteristic of this measuring cup developed by Kai is that it has no spout. The liquid inside can be poured from any position, and it is said that it is "difficult to drip". The secret seems to be the edge designed to bend slightly outward, but what about the reality? Let's try it.

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
Pour into a cup

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
Stop pouring

So that's it! As you can see, the amount of dripping was very small. Depending on the tilt of the cup and the type of liquid, it may drip a little more, but it is certain that the water drains well. If you don't have to worry about the direction of the spout, you can easily use it during cooking, which tends to block your hands.

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
The red circle part was dripping, and it stayed at about the size of rice grains.

Another feature is that it has a scale for measuring flour, white sugar, etc. There is also a scale for measuring a small amount such as "1 tbsp", so you can reduce the trouble of taking out a measuring spoon.

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
The amount of flour and white sugar,

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
You can also measure small amounts such as 1 to 3 tablespoons

It is also a point that some scales are written in silver in addition to the general red. When you add a dark liquid such as soy sauce or coffee, the scales and numbers will appear more clearly. It's a little different, but I'm grateful for this kind of consideration for the goods I use every day.

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
Two colors, red and silver, are used for the scale.

Kai "Heat-resistant measuring cup that can be poured anywhere"
When salty soy sauce is added, the silver notation is certainly easier to see!

It is sold at Kai's online store and various mail-order sites, and the price is around 480 yen. In addition to the 200 ml type introduced this time, a 500 ml type is also available. If you are planning to buy a new measuring cup, why not add it to one of the candidates? It is heat resistant and is compatible with microwave ovens and dishwashers.