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Make your own capsules with your favorite beans! I tried a refill capsule for Dolce Gusto

A capsule-type coffee machine that is convenient for busy mornings. At my home, Nescafe's "Dolce Gusto" is playing an active role.

In addition to the officially sold capsules, low-priced compatible capsules are also on sale, so if you try and buy things on Amazon ...

I made a mistake and bought one for Nespresso. The size of the capsule is completely different, and it's natural, but I can't set it.

Pink: for Nespresso Green: for Dolce Gusto

Not at all

After wondering if something could be done, I discovered "Dolce Gusto compatible self-acting capsule" on Amazon. I bought a set of 2 that can be washed and used repeatedly for about 500 yen (free shipping) (Search by Dolce Gusto + Refill Capsule will show some similar products. There is also one for Nespresso) ..

2 pieces + spoon for 500 yen

In short, an empty Dolce Gusto capsule. You can stuff your favorite coffee and use it. This time, I will open the Nespresso capsule that I bought by mistake with a knife and refill it with a self-acting capsule.

After filling in, close the lid and refilling is complete. Then set the capsule as usual and run the machine.

The position of the hole is on the front side

I got coffee without any problems. There is no particular impression that the taste is light!

After use, you can throw away the contents, wash it and use it over and over again. Now you can consume the Nespresso capsules you bought by mistake ...! Well, if you take it out of the original capsule anyway, you may brew it with a paper filter.

By the way, if you stuff medium-fine ground beans for paper filters that you can get at supermarkets, the machine makes a loud noise (probably a burden) during extraction and the coffee that comes out is thin. If you want to pack it in a self-acting capsule, you need to prepare a fine grind or fine grind.

Medium fine grinding for paper filters is NG

You'll need to prepare a fine grind and pack it into capsules each time, but it's still faster than a paper drip. Why not bring not only those who bought capsules by mistake, but also those who want to make capsules with their favorite beans?
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