100 hair straightening net

Even in the bathroom, the "drainage outlet" makes cleaning easy to feel. In addition to being prone to slime, it's quite annoying that the hair tends to get entangled here and there.

In this article, we will introduce Hundred yen store goods recommended for cleaning such a formidable drain. There are three types: "Hair removal net", "Kurutto catch", and "Kurunpoi".

Hair removal net

100 Yen Shop Hair Removal Net

" Hair removal net " is a garbage net exclusively for the circular eye plate of the drain. It is made of a material like a soap hanging net.

100 Yen Shop Hair Removal Net

To use it, just put it on the eye plate with the mouth of the bag facing down. It catches the flowing hair and prevents it from getting entangled in the eye plate.

100 Yen Shop Hair Removal Net

100 Yen Shop Hair Removal Net

When replacing, if you turn the bag over and remove it, the garbage will fit in the bag. After that, rubbing the area around the eye plate and drain with a brush etc. completes the cleaning.

100 Yen Shop Hair Removal Net

Catch around

100-yen shop round and catch

" Kurutto Catch " is an item shaped like a colander with a hole. Remove the eye plate in use and install it.

100-yen shop round and catch

When water is poured, vortices are generated by the surrounding protrusions, and hair and dust gather in the center while spinning. If you turn the main unit over, the lumpy garbage will come off and it is easy to throw it away.

100-yen shop round and catch
Mechanism of collecting garbage while spinning (thread is used for the model)

Dirt accumulates in the groove on the back side when using it, but cleaning is much easier than washing the gaps in the eye plate. Depending on the shape of the drain, some types cannot be used, so it is necessary to check the conditions carefully before purchasing.

Kurun Poi

100-yen shop Kurun Poi

" Kurun Poi " is a plastic bag with a glove-shaped tip. If you put it in your hand and grab the trash such as the drain, turn it over and throw it away as a trash bag.

100-yen shop Kurun Poi

100-yen shop Kurun Poi

100-yen shop Kurun Poi

You can do the same with an ordinary plastic bag, but the point is that you can move the Kurun Poi with your bare hands, so you can firmly scrape off the dust and hair entwined in the dust catcher. It has enough capacity as a garbage bag.

A 100% exclusive item that makes cleaning the drain of the bath much easier. If you ever go to a store, why not check it out? For more information on the above products, please check the introductory article from the link attached to the text.