The water balloon battle has now reached the next generation level. Bunch O Balloons," which can make 37 water balloons at once, has been developed by Tinnus Enterprises of the United States. The company is currently seeking investors on Kickstarter for the commercialization of the product.

Bunch O Balloons can fill 37 water balloons at a time in seconds by simply connecting them to a hose and turning on a faucet. They are tied together from the start, and then just need to be gently shaken off to complete the process. Even a child can make 100 water balloons in a minute.

At the time of writing, more than $870,000 has been raised, far exceeding the goal of $10,000, and the company plans to secure a production line and begin selling the product in stores and through web stores around April 2015. The price has not yet been determined, but the company is aiming to make the product "as affordable as possible.
The project application period ends on August 21, and there are only a few more funds left for the investment plan that includes water balloons. The project is still accepting applications until August 21, and it seems that there are only a few remaining plans that come with water balloons. If you want to play right now, you might want to invest in this project.