Carnations are the gift for Mother's Day. And Father's Day is a rose. However, giving a bouquet of roses to my father has many meanings, isn't it? Both the giver and the giver.

The "3-pair set with foot acupoint print socks" seems to suit fathers who don't look good with rose flowers. A gift set with socks printed with the location of the acupoints. Comes with a father-shaped "pot push rod".

Perfect for Father's Day gifts? "3 pairs set with foot acupoint print socks"
Perfect for Father's Day gifts? "3 pairs set with foot acupoint print socks"

The main gift set is "Sole acupoint print 5-finger socks". If you wear this, you can see at a glance where the acupuncture points are. You can use the included "pot push rod" to push the points you care about.

Acupuncture points are printed on the soles of the feet.
Acupuncture points are printed on the soles of the feet.

With "pot push guide" I'm worried about "unraveling pot" that works for stiff shoulders
With "pot push guide" I'm worried about "unraveling pot" that works for stiff shoulders

The set also includes "pile short socks" and "thick border toe socks".

You don't need a border, maybe?
You don't need a border, maybe?

When I give a man a pair of socks, I often get confused as "Does my foot smell?" And the relationship after that is jerky. However, I don't think such misunderstandings will occur with acupoint push socks.

How about for a tired father?

Thank you dad!
Thank you dad!

For those who say that "gift boxes are a little expensive", there seems to be a single item.

There are too many "nose" points!
There are too many "nose" points!