Osamu Tezuka, the god of manga, has released a frame stamp set to commemorate the 70th anniversary of his debut as a manga artist in 2016. From June 1st, applications will be accepted at post offices and post office online shops nationwide. The post office window will be on sale for a limited time until August 12, and the online shop will be on sale until August 15.
"Tezuka Osamu 70th Anniversary Frame Stamp Set" is a set of 2 frame stamp sheets, stamp holder, manga data book, and 20 high-definition print-finished postcards. The frame stamps contain a total of 20 types of 52-yen stamps designed for their masterpieces.
Also, the manga data book is a full-read book with more than 500 Tezuka works published by age group.
The price is 7,000 yen (including consumption tax and shipping). The products will be shipped within 10 days from September 20th.