Maybe the feeling of guilt when eating fried food is a little diminished? I found a kitchen goods called "Healthy Silicon Tray" at the 100-yen shop Can Do.
A tray that is useful when reheating fried food in the microwave. Since the surface has an uneven structure, it is possible to cut off excess oil from fried foods. The author was wondering how much he could cut. I bought "tempura (shrimp and eggplant)", "croquette" and "karaage" at the supermarket and tried it.
First of all, croquette. Place it on a healthy silicone tray and heat it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. When I remove the croquette from the tray ...
The surface of the tray became slightly shiny with the dripping oil. Although it is a small amount, it does seem to have the effect of draining oil.
Then fried chicken and eggplant tempura in the microwave. In both cases, the oil drips like the croquette, but the eggplant tempura had the impression that the water contained in the eggplant was removed rather than the oil.
And the result was "as expected" with shrimp tempura! Whether the batter of Mokomoko contains a lot of oil, the oil drips the most among the four products verified this time. This may reduce the worry of stomach upset and heartburn !? If you heat the fried food in the microwave, the batter will become fluffy. For those who are interested, it is recommended to use an oven toaster to remove the water and make it crispy.
The price of the healthy silicon tray is 108 yen (tax included). This time, I used a size of about 10.5 x 13 cm (excluding the handle), but larger sizes are also available. If you often buy fried foods, why not give it a try?