Party mode in no time with a glass and water! I found an interesting item at the 100-yen shop "Daiso" that would make summer nights more exciting, so I bought it.

"LED cube light that floats on water and shines" is an LED light designed like an ice cube. The clear case is filled with grains like salt crystals, and the battery is mounted at the bottom.

Although it is called a light, there is no switch on the main body. It shines when it floats on the water!

There are 7 color variations such as red, blue, and purple. The speed of the color change changes and it blinks, which makes it quite entertaining. If you want to turn off the light, just take it out of the water and wipe off the water.

It looks like ice, so you'll want to put it in a drink, but it's for interior use, so you can't use it in a drink. The lighting time is 12 to 18 hours, and the battery cannot be replaced. How about incorporating it into a small production such as a home party or camping? The price is, of course, 108 yen (tax included).