Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"

Due to the boom of third wave coffee, coffee dripper stands are often seen in coffee stands. It's nice to be able to produce a fashionable hand drip process.

The dripper stand is now available in Nitori! It comes with a simple black iron frame and a round slate plate underneath the cup or server.

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
Finally to Nitori

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
Stand size is 15 x 8.2 x 23 cm

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
Place the slate plate on the stand and use it as a pedestal. The back side has a protective cushion

A dripper is also available in the same series, but it could also be used with a standard coffee dripper on hand (the inner width of the upper part is 7 cm). There is enough height to put a coffee server in addition to the cup, and you can enjoy watching the coffee dripping.

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
Set the dripper and server

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
Just extract as usual

Furthermore, if the stand is placed vertically, it can be extracted directly into the tumbler. You can carry hand-drip coffee without adding extra washing.

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
For tall tumblers

Actually, it seems that using the dripper stand does not change the taste of coffee, but it is a merit that the amount extracted is easy to understand. The Nitori stand is reasonably priced at 1,380 yen (excluding tax). Why don't you take it in at home and create a coffee time like a shop?

Nitori "Coffee Dripper Stand"
You can measure the amount of hot water in the cup