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More than half of couples get married without a proposal--the real intentions are the exact opposite of men and women !?

Is there a surprisingly small number of orthodox proposals?

Proposal is a big event for women who are thinking of getting married. At the end of the dinner, you can open the box in front of you, and you can see the engagement ring from inside ... What a movie-like proposal, you long for it.

However, according to a survey conducted by Anniversaire, which operates the love and marriage information site " Anniversaire Research Institute, " on men and women between the ages of 23 and 39, more than half of the couples were married without a proper proposal.
■ More than half of married people do not propose !?

According to the same survey, 43% of the 300 married men "proposed firmly" and 57% "somehow communicated and proposed (not proposed)".

Also, among the 300 married women, 41% were "well prepared and proposed" and 59.9% were "somehow communicated in words (not proposed)", which is about the same number for both men and women. .. It turns out that less than half of the couples formally propose and get married ...

It depends on the couple whether to propose or not
■ Different real intentions for men and women

So when I asked a man who "somehow spoken and proposed (did not propose)" "whether he regrets that", 77.8% said he did not regret it. .. Certainly, if you are married and happy now, that may be enough.

On the other hand, when asked "whether they wanted to make a formal proposal" to women who "somehow communicated in words (not proposed)", 77.4% answered "yes". The result was the exact opposite of that of a man! It seems that women are overwhelmingly more interested in proposals than men.

By the way, when I asked the women "Would you be happy if you proposed again now?", About 80% of them said "I'm happy" and "I'm rather happy". Just like when you started dating, your marriage promises and words will be remembered as precious memories. Why don't you check your love again even now, even if you are already living in harmony with each other?

Your wife may be waiting!

The survey was conducted on the Internet for 1,200 men and women aged 23 to 39 (300 unmarried and 300 married men and women) nationwide. The survey period is from September 30th to October 1st, 2015.