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Oh mysterious. "Tokosaj", a spoon that smoothes hardened sugar and salt

The secret is an invisible bubble

Sugar and salt purchased in a bag. If you transfer it to another container for ease of use, it may harden. Did you know that these two have different causes of solidification?

It's frustrating!

It is said that the salt hardens due to moisture , and the sugar causes dryness. Do you need different measures for each ...? I was looking for and found a measuring spoon "Tokosaj " that "keeps both smooth".

Available from Wellrich from December The world view is cute

Tokoname is a spoon of "Tokoname ware" produced in Aichi prefecture. By slowly baking it at a lower temperature than usual, countless invisible bubbles adjust the dryness and humidity inside the container.

2 pieces of blue and yellow

To use it, just wet the spoon with salt and put it in a container (I'm trying sugar this time).

Will the sugar melt ...

A few hours later, when I opened it with half-belief, the sugar that I hadn't been able to poke before collapsed and returned to smoothness! This is nice!

It's back!

The spoon has a weighing function that allows you to measure a teaspoon and a tablespoon with the inner line. It can be used repeatedly by drying it or moistening it again. In addition to seasonings, it can also be used for tea leaves and coffee powder, which are worrisome about humidity.

Since the handle of the spoon is short, it is regrettable to scoop it depending on the container, but considering the durability of the pottery, it can not be helped. It seems that it will be effective enough just to put it in.

The price of Tokosaj is 2,980 yen (excluding tax) for 2 pieces. The cute package looks good as a gift.

It's an eco-friendly idea
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