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If you buy it at Daiso, you can use "Hoipprun" from the face wash net !? Anyone can make foam!

A chewy foam that makes your skin happy ♪

A face wash that is performed every day. Considering the burden on the skin, it is said that it is better to wash soap and face-wash foam with lather as "fluffy" as possible.

However, it is quite difficult to whisk with just your hands unless you get used to it. So, I tried using a product called "Hoipprun" that I found at the 100-yen shop "Daiso".

Daiso's original item

Hoiprun is a cup for whipping facial cleanser. By taking in air like a pump with a stick with a small hole, you can make "fluffy" bubbles.

Divided into a cup and a stick with a disc

First, apply face wash to the disk part of the stick and pour a small amount of water into the cup. The hardness of the foam changes depending on the amount of water, so first adjust gradually using the inner line as a guide.

With face wash foam

Pour a small amount of water Adjust according to the type of face wash and the desired hardness

After setting the lid, move the stick up and down. If you move it at high speed about 50 times, the facial cleanser inside will foam and fill the case!

* Hold the lid with one hand when whipping

The bubbles are gradually increasing ...

Fill the case!

Move it about 20 more times to open it, and you'll have a glossy foam that looks like whipped cream.

Like whipped cream!

Enchanted by the soft touch

In the case of solid soap, rub it on the disk and whisk it in the same way. It foams in the same way, but I had to rub it a lot to make a lot.

Rub the soap

This also has fluffy bubbles

How is it different from the face wash net?

Now, let's compare the difference with the familiar "face-wash net" as a face-wash goods for whipping. If you try to whisk with the same amount of face wash, the required time will be shorter than that of Hoippuru, but the amount and fineness of the foam that can be produced may be a little unsatisfactory ...?

Facial cleansing net also purchased at Daiso

Whisk with a wet net

There is more elasticity in the face wash net,

Impression that the fineness of the texture is quite different

After using Hoiprun, you can use the stick as a stand to drain water, so it is hygienic. It takes a little more work than a face wash net, but the process of making foam is a little fun, so if you are looking for finer foam, please pick it up. The price is, of course, 108 yen (tax included).

Let's dry well after use
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