Virgin Media, which operates a cable TV station in the UK, has announced the "Kipst R" bracelet that automatically records TV programs when viewers fall asleep. With this, you won't miss an important scene when you fall asleep.
"Kipst R" is a bracelet that measures the wearer's heart rate using a pulse oximeter. If your heart rate drops, it is determined that the wearer has fallen asleep and starts recording the program you are currently watching. When the viewer wakes up, it also has a function to play the program from the scene where the viewer fell asleep.
Virgin Media will test-introduce "Kipst R" from this Christmas. The reason is that on Christmas day, one in five people fall asleep on the sofa.
Virgin Media will also use "KipstR" to investigate when the viewer's heart rate rises in the program.
I think "KipstR" is a great system, but there are risks. From the cable TV station's point of view, you can see that "the viewer over there, don't sleep now". It might be a little scary if abused.
That said, I feel that if a similar service is launched in Japan, it will be introduced. Because it feels good to fall asleep.