Gakken Mook "Best Ideas for Living with MUJI"
Introducing a total of 300 ideas

Gakken Mook "Best Ideas for Living with MUJI" was released by Gakken Plus on March 3rd. Ideas and examples of creating a comfortable room using MUJI items are summarized. The price is 790 yen (excluding tax).

In this book, "Mujira", who loves MUJI, introduces convenient tricks that solve the problems of rooms that tend to be messy and make daily housework easier. Information on storage techniques, recipes, cosmetics, etc. by professionals such as storage advisors and cooks is also introduced.

Gakken Mook "Best Ideas for Living with MUJI"
Instagrammer & blogger's room that utilizes MUJI items,

Gakken Mook "Best Ideas for Living with MUJI"
Easy storage by a professional organizing consultant,

Gakken Mook "Best Ideas for Living with MUJI"
Introducing examples of using kitchen utensils

Some of the content is as follows.

3 major special features ■ Everyone chose! MUJI's Best Ideas 20
■ The best idea for a comfortable room made with MUJI ■ Clean up! Best storage idea

Rakı rice popularity ranking / Beautiful bowl, delicious table / Mujira's charming kitchen / Introduction to hair care to make moisturized hair / Let's aim for beautiful bare skin with simple skin care! / Petit plastic excellent cosmetics / MUJI's white clothes, white shoes / Doting simple stationery / Show all the standard items of everyone's life / Delicious NEWS of MUJI / How to walk MUJI / Popular order ranking of MUJI / Interior green popularity ranking