The brilliantly blooming flowers are wonderful--Yoku Moku and winter-only cookie assortment "Cado de Libert"
"Cado de Libert", an assortment of winter-only cookies, is now available at Yoku Moku. The package depicts flowers that bloom in bright colors that are powerful even in the cold of winter.
From Yoku Moku, a winter-only assortment product "Cado de Libert" is now available. It is on sale by February 14, 2018. Available at Aoyama Main Store, department stores nationwide, stations, airports, and online shops.
A product with a gorgeous drawing of flowers that bloom in bright colors even in the cold of winter on the package with the glitter of snow. The classic Yockmock cigar and the cocoa-flavored cookie "Cacao Double Fruy Rouge" sandwiched with raspberry and strawberry whipped chocolate are packed. It is recommended for New Year's greetings, souvenirs, and gifts that convey the feelings of "Thank you" and "Congratulations".
The contents of the assortment are as follows. The listed price includes tax.
Cado de Libert (1,620 yen)
6 Petit Cigars Petit Cigar O Chocolat 6 Bie O Chocolat 5 Cacao Double Fluy Rouge 3 20 in total
Cado de Libert (2,160 yen)
8 Petit Cigar 8 Petit Cigar O Chocolat 10 Bie O Chocolat Cacao Double Fluy Rouge 6 Total 32