Sweets in enameled containers recipes

Enameled Containers Sweets Recipes and Methods

Here is a collection of all 6 easy recipes and methods for making sweets using enameled containers! Baked Cheesecake, Croissant Pudding, Scoop Cake, Rare Cheesecake, Custard Pudding, and Peanut Cream Pound Cake.

In the article, MUJI enameled storage containers available from MUJI are used.

Baked Cheesecake Recipe

This simple recipe uses cream cheese, sugar, and eggs. The refreshing lemon juice gives it a crisp flavor. MUJI enamel storage containers make it easy to store leftovers with the lid on.

Recipe for baked cheesecake" using enameled containers."

Recipe for baked cheesecake" using enameled containers."

Related article: Easy Baked Cheesecake Recipe -- Simple and Delicious! Use Muji enamel storage containers as cake molds

Croissant Pudding Rec

ipe This bread pudding recipe uses croissants instead of bread. Mixed berries are added for a festive look. You can enjoy the rich flavor and slightly chewy texture that only croissants can offer.

Croissant pudding recipe" using enameled containers."

Croissant pudding recipe" using enameled containers."

Related article: Recipe] Croissant Bread Pudding -- Gorgeous with Mixed Berries! Using Muji enamel storage containers

Scoop Cake


This scoop cake is made with commercially available sponge cake or sponge cake. Fill with cream cheese and canned fruit, and finish with strawberries. The fruit can be anything you like, so this is a sweet treat that can be made easily regardless of the season.

Recipe for "Scoop Cake" using enameled containers."

Recipe for "Scoop Cake" using enameled containers."

Related article: Easy recipe for strawberry scoop cake -- refreshing rare cheese style! Using "Soft Egg Chiffon Cake


Cheese Cake Recipe

Spread cookies and butter in a container, fill with cheesecake batter mixed with cream cheese and yogurt, and chill until firm. The richness of the cream cheese and the acidity of the yogurt and lemon juice are perfectly balanced. It is a refreshing yet satisfying dish. The crunchy texture of the biscuit covered with butter also adds a nice accent.

Rare Cheese Cake Recipe" using enameled containers."

Rare Cheese Cake Recipe" using enameled containers."

Related article: Easy Rare Cheesecake Recipe -- Refreshing Yogurt & Crunchy Biscuits! Using Muji enamel storage containers


Pudding Rec

ipe This custard pudding recipe is made large and served rough. Pour in the caramel sauce and pudding liquid in this order, and bake in a hot water bath in the oven. When you scoop out the beautiful egg-colored pudding, the caramel sauce appears from the bottom. The sweetness and bitterness of the caramel sauce enhances the firm, refreshingly sweet pudding.

Recipe for custard pudding" using enameled containers.

Recipe for custard pudding" using enameled containers.

Related article: Easy custard pudding recipe -- hard texture and lots of caramel sauce! Use Muji enamel storage containers as molds

Peanut Cream Pound

Cake Recipe for pound cake with lots of peanut cream. It is easy to make because it uses pancake mix. The texture is soft and fluffy like a sponge cake, but also has a nice crispiness. The cake crumbles in your mouth and the richness of the peanuts spreads out. The savory flavor of the peanuts gives it a lingering taste.

Peanut Cream Pound Cake" using enameled containers

Peanut Cream Pound Cake" using enameled containers

See related article here: Recipe] Peanut Cream Pound Cake -- Easy to make with pancake mix! Use Muji enamel storage containers as molds.