Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

Introducing recipes for rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake that you can enjoy at home. I use MUJI's ` `Airtight Enamel Storage Container with Valve to Prevent Liquids and Odors from Leaking' ' as a mold.

rare cheesecake recipe

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

Spread the biscuits and butter in a container, add the cheesecake batter mixed with cream cheese and yogurt, and let it cool and harden.

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

The richness of the cream cheese and the sourness of the yogurt and lemon juice create a perfect balance. It is a refreshing yet satisfying dish. The crunchy texture of the butter-coated biscuits is also a nice accent.

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

]] Rare cheesecake recipe

custard pudding recipe

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

A recipe for custard pudding that is made large and eaten roughly. Pour caramel sauce and pudding liquid in order and bake in hot water in the oven.

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

When you scoop up the beautiful egg-colored pudding, you can see the caramel sauce from the bottom. The sweetness and bitterness of the caramel sauce complements the firm, refreshingly sweet pudding.

]] Custard pudding recipe

peanut cream pound cake

A pound cake recipe made with plenty of peanut cream. It's easy because you use pancake mix.

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

The texture is fluffy, like a sponge cake, and has a nice crunch. It crumbles in your mouth, and the richness of the peanuts spreads softly. The fragrant flavor unique to peanuts lingers.

Rare cheesecake, custard pudding, and peanut cream pound cake -- 3 easy recipes made in an enamel container

]] Peanut cream pound cake

Oven-safe enamel containers are convenient and can be used for both baked and cold sweets. It also has an attractive appearance that can be served directly on the dining table. If you don't have an enamel container or bat, why not give it a try?