KALDI dark green tea

Just divide with water or milk! Introducing the KALDI "Dark Green Tea" recommended for green tea lovers.

KALDI dark green tea

KALDI dark green tea

Powdered green tea containing 20% Uji matcha. One bag contained 4 cups, and the price was 245 yen (tax included).

KALDI dark green tea
About 60 yen per cup

Empty one cup into a glass or cup, add 150 ml of water or milk and dissolve to complete ice green tea or ice green tea latte. It's OK even if it's hot with hot water.

KALDI dark green tea

KALDI dark green tea
Mix well to dissolve the powder

The bitterness and umami of rich tea that spreads when you take a sip. The refreshing drinkability that is not too strong while having the flavor of matcha is perfect for summer.

KALDI dark green tea

The slight sweetness is due to sugar beet from Hokkaido. It further enhances the bitterness of tea.

If you want to enjoy the bitterness, add water, and if you want to enjoy the harmony of bitterness and richness, add milk. Please try to find the balance you like. Recommended for summer hospitality!

KALDI dark green tea
Matcha latte style by dividing with milk ♪