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Delicious and encouraging! Naruki Ishii "Dressing that can do anything" can really do anything

The dressing "Anything can be done" series found in Naruki Ishii. I picked it up because of the impact of the name. The atmosphere of the package is a little different from the usual Seijo Ishii ... I think it's a popular item that has been on sale for about 10 years.

There are 4 types in the lineup. "Soy sauce," "sesame," "onion," and "non-oil yuzu" are available. The price is 459 yen each (excluding tax).

This time I tried two kinds of sesame and onion.

Try 2 out of 4

Naruki Ishii A series that can go anything

Sesame dressing that can do anything
First, simply use a vegetable salad

Chubby creamy sesame dressing. Freshly ground? The flavor of sesame is so vivid that you can think! Personally, it was the best fragrance in dressing history.

Very rich with richness. If you put it on vegetables, it seems to go well with green and yellow vegetables that have a strong flavor. Great for voluminous hot vegetable dips. The creamy mouthfeel goes well with ingredients such as potatoes that have a chewy texture.

Onion dressing that can do anything

Japanese-style dressing with rich onion flavor. The mellowness of the oil is added to the soy sauce base, giving it a rich taste that is not too light. Sweet and salty is addictive! You can eat as much salad as you want.

Good compatibility with crispy texture

Verify if "anything can be done"

Besides the standard vegetable salad, I tried various things.


The sesame sauce has a richness like mayonnaise and aroma that goes well with bread. Rather than just this, it seems better to use it for making sandwiches with ingredients.

The onion dress matches the sweetness of onions and the flavor of wheat. You can enjoy the taste like onion gratin bread when you soak it well.

Meat (boiled pork)

The rich sesame sauce is as good as the thick meat. It is recommended to use it as a sauce for shabu-shabu or put it on steamed chicken.

In the onion dress, the sweetness of the onions enhances the taste of the meat. Perfect for grilled meat and grilled dishes. It looks good even if it is pickled.

Noodles (Inaniwa udon)

The rich sesame sauce goes well with the chewy thick noodles! When combined with Inaniwa-style udon, I enjoyed the exquisite sesame cream udon with creaminess.

The onion dress has a slightly refreshing taste. It has a refreshing acidity and is perfect for summer. Inaniwa udon isn't bad either, but I have a feeling that it might be better with thin noodles such as somen noodles.


I tried two types this time, but both of them had a strong taste of the ingredients and were highly satisfying. It doesn't feel like "it tastes good for the time being", but by sprinkling it, vegetables and meat can be made into one delicious dish.

In addition to stores, it is also available at Seijo Ishii online shop and Amazon. An item that is reassuring to have in the refrigerator, please try it once!
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