Firmly dirty roots ♪ How to wash spinach
Introducing how to wash spinach. Washing while spreading the stems makes it easier to remove mud stains that have accumulated at the roots.
Raw materials spinach
Tool Kitchen knives, cutting boards, bowls
Working hours 5Minutes
1. Cut off the tip of the spinach root a little.
2. Make a shallow cut in the cross with a kitchen knife with the root facing up.
3. Dip the roots in a large bowl of water and gently rub to wash.
4. Discard the water in the bowl and wash it under running water.
5. Fill a bowl with fresh water, dip the leaves and wash.

Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

Cleanly removes fine dirt that has entered the roots ♪ Here are some tips on how to wash spinach.

How to wash spinach
The roots of spinach are quite dirty, aren't they?

How to wash spinach

1. 1. Cut off the tip of the spinach root a little.

Step 1 Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

2. Make a shallow cut in the cross with a kitchen knife with the root facing up. For thin stocks, you can omit this work.

Step 2 Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

3. 3. Dip the roots in a large bowl of water and gently rub to wash. If you wash while spreading the roots, it will be easier to remove the dirt that got in between.

Step 3 Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

Four. Discard the water in the bowl and wash it under running water.

Step 4 Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

Five. Fill a bowl with fresh water, dip the leaves and wash. If you are concerned about dirt, wash it under running water.

Step 5 Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

By washing thoroughly while spreading the space between the stems, fine stains can be easily removed. When boiling, dissolve salt (1 teaspoon) in boiling water (1,000 ml), soak the stem for 30 seconds, and soak the whole for 30 seconds. Once boiled, put it in cold water and drain it to get a nice color.

Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute
Boil the stems for 30 seconds first

Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute
Boil the whole for 30 seconds and it's OK

Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute
After soaking in cold water

Clean the roots ♪ How to wash spinach --Boil time is about 1 minute

How to wash spinach to reduce the disappointment of noticing that sand remains after boiling. Once you get used to it, it won't be a big deal, so I think you can easily practice it even if you just rely on frozen spinach.

Please also refer to " Easy with a frying pan! How to boil spinach " and " How to freeze spinach".