KALDI chopped garlic pickled in oil

Garlic that enriches the flavor of the dish with just a little addition. Chopped pieces are especially popular, but it's a hassle to chop each time. Cutting boards and kitchen knives get dirty, and odors tend to remain on your hands.

In such a case, "Pacific Choice Chopped Garlic Pickled in Oil (Minst Garlic)", which you can get at KALDI, is convenient.

KALDI chopped garlic pickled in oil

Chopped American garlic and pickled in oil. The price was 298 yen (tax included) with 120g (4.23oz).

Tailored to enjoy the texture with plenty of coarse dust in the garlic paste. When you open the jar, the garlic smells strong.

KALDI chopped garlic pickled in oil

The only ingredients are garlic, vegetable oil and citric acid. It's unseasoned so it's easy to use in any dish.

KALDI chopped garlic pickled in oil

Although it is pickled in oil, most of the contents are garlic. It's a little short of oil to use as garlic oil. For stir-fried foods, it is recommended to add oil separately before adding this product.

KALDI chopped garlic pickled in oil
For garlic saute etc.

Garlic toast is also good. You can also put it firmly and enjoy punching to your heart's content. Please on a day when you do not plan to meet people.

KALDI chopped garlic pickled in oil

You can eat it as it is without heating it, so you can add it to your favorite ingredients and add toppings. Recommended for heavy garlic users!