Home   »   Home Appliances   »   Refrigerator "Family Hub" that eliminates "Oh, I forgot to buy milk!"-Check the inside of the refrigerator at any time with your smartphone!

Refrigerator "Family Hub" that eliminates "Oh, I forgot to buy milk!"-Check the inside of the refrigerator at any time with your smartphone!

Is there still stock in the fridge, but for some reason you inadvertently buy more when you go to the supermarket? For me, milk is so. The refrigerator is always full of milk packs. Before the expiration date, I always rush to make "Sherbic", "Purin" and "Fruche" and consume them by force.

Samsung unveiled its new smart refrigerator "Family Hub" at CES 2016. With this fridge, you may no longer waste a lot of milk or forget to buy eggs.

Smart refrigerator "Family Hub"

The biggest feature of "Family Hub" is that the camera is installed in the refrigerator. Every time the user closes the refrigerator door, the inside of the refrigerator is photographed. The captured image can be displayed at any time with the smartphone app. You will be able to understand the current situation in the warehouse while shopping at the supermarket and decide what to buy.

Multiple cameras are installed in the refrigerator, and every time the user closes the door, the inside of the refrigerator is photographed.

Images can be viewed at any time on your smartphone. At the supermarket, you can check what is missing in the refrigerator.

With this, you will no longer scream "I forgot to buy milk!" Or "I bought carrots again!" Every time I return from the supermarket.

Do you always smile on your way home from the supermarket?

"Family Hub" is equipped with all the other functions that are often found in so-called "smart home appliances". For example, if a family member installs a dedicated app on their smartphone and enters a schedule there, the screen attached to the refrigerator door will allow the entire family member to see the schedule.

When you register a schedule with the smartphone app

Can be displayed in the refrigerator. Is it a little annoying?

In addition, a service called "GROCERIES" is also available in the United States. This is a service that allows you to order groceries and miscellaneous goods on the screen of the refrigerator door. While looking into the refrigerator, you can order the missing ingredients.

You can buy carrots in the refrigerator!

Family Hub will be available in the US in the spring of 2016.

Let's go around the supermarket with a memo until it is released in Japan!
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