Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi
Introducing how to bake mochi using a frying pan. It's easy to make and has a crisp and fragrant browning. The point is to bake slowly over low heat.
Material ( For 2 people )
Cutted rice cake 2 pieces
Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi --Crispy and fragrant taste

Introducing how to bake mochi using a frying pan. It's easy to make, and it also has a delicious browning.


・ Cut rice cake (2 pieces)

How to make

1. 1. Make a shallow cut on the surface of the cutted rice cake.

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

2. Place the cutted rice cake on a frying pan, heat it over low heat, and cover it. The trick is to line them up with a gap so that they don't stick when inflated. For frying pans that have not been treated with fluororesin, apply a thin layer of frying pan foil or salad oil to prevent them from sticking to the bottom.

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

3. 3. Bake one side for 7-8 minutes and turn it over when it becomes brown.

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

Four. Cover again and bake the other side for 3-4 minutes. When both sides are browned and softened to the inside, it's done. Keep an eye on it while baking as it can swell too much.

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

The baked mochi has a crisp aroma. It is also recommended to put sugar or soy sauce in a frying pan as it is. In addition, please be careful not to heat more than necessary when baking, as there is a risk of damage if the frying pan is in an empty state.

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

Easy with a frying pan! How to bake mochi

How to bake mochi easily without an oven toaster or gridiron. Why don't you enjoy the heat of freshly-baked food through the fire?