Easy and cute! Strawberry decoration
Introducing the strawberry decoration. Heart, sliced, and rose. Easy to make and beautiful finish. You can do it smoothly with a knife that cuts well.
Material ( For 1-2 people )
Strawberry 3-4 pieces
Easy and cute! Three strawberry decorations--hearts, roses, etc.

It's surprisingly easy to do and looks pretty! Here are three strawberry decorations.


1. 1. Wash the strawberries and place them on a cutting board to remove the calyx.

Strawberry decoration

2. Make a V-shaped notch at the top. The point is to cut the knife into a V shape while slightly curving it in the image of a heart.

Strawberry decoration

3. 3. Cut in half vertically. Cut as evenly as possible.

Strawberry decoration

Four. Arrange them on a plate and you're done. If the shape of the heart is difficult to understand, cut it a little and adjust it.

Strawberry decoration


1. 1. Wash the strawberries with the calyx on them and place them on a cutting board.

Strawberry decoration

2. Make a notch with a width of about 1 to 2 mm from the edge. The point is to make a deep cut, but be careful not to cut it off.

Strawberry decoration

3. 3. Place it on a plate, shift it little by little and spread it out.

Strawberry decoration


1. 1. Wash the strawberries, place them on a cutting board, and cut off the calyx. It is recommended to use strawberries that have a wide tip and are close to a quadrangle, rather than a beautiful triangular strawberry with a sharp tip.

Strawberry decoration

2. Cut in half vertically and slice as thinly as possible.

Strawberry decoration

Strawberry decoration

3. 3. Arrange them in a slender shape while shifting them.

Strawberry decoration

Four. If you fetch a few sheets, they will be rolled up. Wrap it one by one, shape it, and you're done. Adding greens such as herbs will give you a more atmosphere.

Strawberry decoration

Strawberry decoration

Strawberry decoration

Strawberry decoration

Thanks to the bright red color of the strawberries, the shape will look gorgeous even if it is slightly distorted. When working, the strawberry pulp is sticky, so if you don't eat it right away, it's safe to wear rubber gloves. Feel free to try it and add it to your panques or decoration cakes.

Strawberry decoration

Please also check " Strawberry freezing method " and " Back tricks to easily remove strawberry calyx".

Remove strawberry calyx with a straw
Check out the tricks to easily remove the calyx!