"Qrio Smart Tag" is an accessory that allows you to check your current location from your smartphone by attaching it to your belongings such as keys and bags. You can use the dedicated app to sound the buzzer of the smart tag and check the current location on the map.
The range in which smartphones and smart tags can be linked is approximately 10 to 20 m. It will notify you by push notification when communication is interrupted at a distance, and it seems that you can prevent misplacement and lost items. Even if you can't find it nearby, you can switch to "lost mode" and search in a wider area with the help of other users.
The habit of modern people who never let go of their smartphones is utilized, but on the other hand, it is also possible to detect by ringing the smartphone from the smart tag.
In addition, the simple palm-sized design is also attractive. You can choose from 5 color variations, and you can freely customize by exchanging the ribbon.
Qrio Smart Tag is currently looking for supporters on the crowdfunding site "Makuake" for commercialization. You can apply for an early discount plan that has already reached the target amount and you can get the product in September.