Recommended gourmet mackerel cans
Mackerel can best

"Mackerel boiled cans" are often featured on TV due to their ease of use and high nutritional value, and become scarce each time. It's hard to get it at the supermarket, so I think the mackerel can rubber people are a little annoyed like the author.

Image of boiled mackerel can
I really can't get it when I don't have it

Boiled cans, which allow you to ingest whole bones and fat, tend to attract attention, but mackerel itself is originally a nutritious fish. This time, I collected a wide variety of mackerel cans that can be eaten daily.

■ Mackerel boiled in tomato

Maruhanichiro "Saba tomato boiled"

First of all, 3 products from Maruha Nichiro. "Saba tomato boiled", which suppresses the peculiar smell of mackerel and is stewed with potatoes and olives, can be enjoyed in a little bar style with wine and baguette. It goes well with rice, so it's perfect for a one-person lunch that you want to finish easily.

Maruhanichiro "Saba tomato boiled"
In addition to the large mackerel, it is fashionable with olives and potatoes.

■ Mackerel Tatsuta sweet and sour sauce ankake

Maruhanichiro "Saba Tatsuda sweet and sour sauce"

"Saba Tatsuta Sweet and Sour Sauce Ankake" is attractive because it is easy to add one side dish when you open the can. It is a fried food side dish that is rare for canning, but the quality that I just made is truly. Recommended for rolling stock in case of emergency.

Maruhanichiro "Saba Tatsuda sweet and sour sauce"
Saba Tatsuta's batter is delicious with sweet and sour sauce * No green onions

■ La Cantine Saba Fillet

La Cantine Sabafille

The "La Cantine" series is a fashionable package that you always want to keep in your kitchen. This is a greasy Norwegian mackerel fillet soaked in flavorful olive oil from Spain. Enjoy the juicy mackerel fat and umami while using it in the same way as a tuna can.

La Cantine Sabafille
For sandwiches and pasta

■ Sava can

"Sava can" from Iwate prefecture
Delivering energy from the disaster area Sanriku

"Sava can" from Iwate Prefecture Co., Ltd. with an impressive package that says "Ça va?". Recently, the number of items sold at supermarkets and select shops has increased, making it easier to obtain items other than online.

The original Western-style canned mackerel, which is a combination of olive oil and chili sauce, is light and easy to cook with other ingredients as it is. Personally, I like the lemon basil flavor.

"Sava can" from Iwate prefecture
Convenient for cooking with a slight flavor

■ Oil mackerel

Kanehachi's "OIL SABA DINES"
Oil "mackerel" din because it's mackerel, not sardines

The last is "OIL SABADINES", which is highly acclaimed by the world's mackerel can lovers. A dish of mackerel from Shizuoka and Numazu that has been smoked and condensed in flavor, soaked in olive oil. The appetizing scent of mackerel enhances the taste of mackerel, and the liquor goes on as it is! It is also versatile as an ingredient, such as on rice or as a pasta or sandwich ingredient.

Kanehachi's "OIL SABA DINES"
Easy-to-eat flakes

Kanehachi's "OIL SABA DINES"
It goes well with flavored vegetables such as parsley and celery.

Mackerel cans that are easy to act and arrange are perfect for the year-end and New Year dining table where people gather. Be sure to stock it with the boiled can!