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Wait 6 seconds when you're crazy--"Technology to get rid of anger in just 6 seconds" useful during the busy season

Can you deal with "anger" well?

December, the busiest month of the year, will begin tomorrow. While it's time to earn money, it's also a time when conflicts are likely to occur at work or at home because it works on a tighter schedule than usual.

Even if you regret it, you can't regret it if you just make a fool of yourself and take a heartless remark or action. What should I do to avoid being swayed by the feelings of "anger"? This time, I will introduce some tips from the book "Technology to eliminate anger in just 6 seconds" released in October.

"Technology to eliminate anger in just 6 seconds" / Shueisha

The authors are Shunsuke Ando, the representative of the Japan Anger Management Association, and Duke Saraie, a walking doctor. Anger management is a "psychological training to control anger" that was born in the United States and is adopted by many politicians, company owners, and athletes.

Why 6 seconds?

According to the book, strong emotions when frustrated or sick are temporary, and it is thought that the peak is about 6 seconds. In other words, if you manage to spend these 6 seconds, you can prevent the worst.

The urge of strong anger does not last forever

In-situ therapy

So what is the best way to regain calm thinking in 6 seconds? Here are some things you can do easily.

・ 6 seconds up

I think you should laugh ...

How to make a smiling expression even if you are angry. The action of making a smile has the effect of generating positive emotions. At least 6 seconds, try more if possible.

・ Press the acupoint for 6 seconds

I think I can do it under the desk

We also recommend the method of overcoming 6 seconds with the help of acupuncture points, which are said to be effective against anger. One of them is the acupuncture point called Gokoku, which is located at the junction of the thumb and index finger on the back of the hand. Push it in with your thumb so that it feels a little painful.

・ 6 seconds gooper

Squeeze your anger ~

Let go ~

When the urge of anger that I don't know how to spend is aside, I just hold my hand with Gooper and Gooper and open it. Imagine squeezing your anger in your hands and letting go, letting go.

"Gymnastics not to get angry"

In addition, the book also includes a type diagnosis of your anger, how to acquire "mindfulness", and "non-angry exercises" devised by Duke Saraie. Gymnastics can be done on the spot, but as you continue, you will be able to spend your days in a calm and positive mental state.

An example of gymnastics: Pull out the accumulated frustration with a smile! You can laugh through various emotions

It ’s not that you do n’t get angry.

Anger is just a natural emotion, and anger management is not a way to “get angry or not frustrated” . Anger management is to be able to make a stress-free judgment that "what you have to get angry is to convey your anger well, and what you don't have to get angry to be able to pass on". Why don't you look back on yourself this year and incorporate it for next year?
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