Gyoza skin sweets

After making dumplings, have you ever had a problem with only a few "skins" left? I found a super easy recipe on the Moranborg site that seems to be useful in such a case, so I tried it. The general procedure is introduced below.

Gyoza skin sweets
The ingredients are "gyoza skin," "kinako," "sugar," and "black honey."

1. Boil the dumpling skin.

Gyoza skin sweets
OK if it floats on the surface of hot water

2. Mix soybean flour and sugar at a ratio of 1: 1 and sprinkle on the "1" skin.

Gyoza skin sweets
I tried to fold it properly

3. Sprinkle black honey and it's done!

Gyoza skin sweets
Japanese sweets with a sweet scent!

By the way, the taste you are interested in is ... The chewy texture and simple sweetness are similar to Kyoto's famous confectionery "Yatsuhashi"! If you wrap the bean paste and boiled beans in the skin, it will be a tea-making service that you can enjoy with your heart. If you don't have soybean flour or black honey at home, try using sesame seeds or honey instead.

Enuchi also introduces recipes for "tacos " and " pizza " that use dumpling skin. Check it out if you often buy gyoza skins!

Reference page: Moranborg " Kinako Japanese Sweets Recipe "