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Also for cleaning the microwave! 3 tricks behind lemons --Easy squeezing method, freezing storage method, etc.

Lemon with a refreshing and refreshing feeling. However, if you are not accustomed to using it, you may be worried that "it has become old after being left in the refrigerator" and "I feel that it is a waste to throw away the skin, but there is no particular use for it ...". ..

Here are three tricks that may be useful for those who are new to lemons. You can use not only lemon juice but also the skin without waste.

Easy way to squeeze a lemon

You don't have to have a dedicated aperture! If you have a microwave and a fork, you can easily squeeze out the lemon juice.

First, heat the whole lemon in the microwave (500-600W) for 30 seconds. After taking out the lemon, cut it in half and pierce the flesh with a fork in several places. Finally, squeeze the juice into a suitable container and it's OK. By warming and softening the flesh, you can squeeze it much easier than it is.

Heat the lemon in the microwave and

When you pierce the pulp with a fork,

Easy to squeeze

How to store lemon juice

Even though it's just squeezed, I can't use all of it ... In such a case, we recommend freezing lemon juice . Divide into ice trays, freeze, and transfer to a freezer bag when frozen. By freezing it in an ice tray, it can be used little by little, which is convenient for flavoring dressings and pasta. Both sourness and aroma are as good as freshly squeezed.

Cool and harden the lemon juice in an ice tray,

Easy to use if transferred to a freezer bag

It is also recommended to cut into slices or combs without squeezing and store in a freezer. Easy to squeeze if lightly thawed at room temperature or in the microwave. It can also be used to cook meat and fish while frozen. The details are introduced in the article "Always fresh scent! Lemon is convenient to store frozen".

It is also recommended to freeze it by cutting it into combs or slices.

Cleaning the kitchen with lemon zest

Lemon peel that remains after squeezing the juice. Let's use it to clean the microwave before throwing it away as kitchen waste!

After squeezing the juice, heat the lemon with water in the microwave. If you wipe it after filling it with steam, you can remove various dirt scattered in the refrigerator. It is also effective to wipe it with warm water along with the lemon zest. The detailed procedure is introduced in the article " Don't throw it away! Lemon peels are recommended for microwave cleaning".

Put lemon zest and water in a tapper,

If you heat it in the microwave and fill it with steam,

Dirt inside the refrigerator is soaked and easily removed

We also recommend rubbing the lemon zest directly into the kitchen sink for cleaning. The tea astringency on the glass can also be removed by rubbing it with salted lemon zest. You can get rid of various stains that you can't usually handle at once.

Clean by rubbing the skin against the sink

The tea astringency on the glass

If you rub it with a salted lemon zest,

Innocent white

Lemons that you can get for about 100 yen each and can be fully utilized for cooking and cleaning. Even if you love bottled lemon juice, why not check out the lemons in the fruit and vegetable corner from time to time?
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