Return "dry matter" with yogurt instead of water? I found a strange cooking method on the official website of "Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt".
This recipe is named "Dry Yogurt". By soaking dried foods such as seaweed, dried vegetables, and dried fruits in yogurt, it seems that you can make various dishes that make the best use of the flavor of yogurt. Some recipes are also posted, and I decided to make a particularly easy and delicious "raisin yogurt sandwich cookie".
You will need yogurt (200g (7.05oz)) and raisins (120g (4.23oz)). It's as easy as "put it in a tapper, mix it well, and leave it in the refrigerator overnight (7-8 hours)."
When I opened the tapper the next morning, the raisins were inflated as I saw them. When I tried it, it had a fresh texture like raw grapes. On the other hand, yogurt transforms into a sticky texture as the water is absorbed. The acidity has diminished and the taste is mellow.
Sandwich this raisin yogurt with a cookie to complete the "raisin yogurt sandwich cookie". It's undeniably unsatisfactory compared to the rich raisin butter sandwiched cookie, but it's still nice to be able to eat it without worrying about the fat content.
Actually, I personally have a recipe that I like more than "raisin yogurt". It's a salad of dried daikon radish rehydrated with yogurt.
This is also as easy as "mixing and leaving overnight". By adding oil such as mayonnaise and umami such as tuna and scallops, you can make a salad with a rich taste. The crispness of the dried daikon and the creaminess of the yogurt are also the best match. If you are interested, please check the recipe ("Kiriboshi daikon and scallop salad") posted on the above site.
In addition to this, it seems that various dried foods such as dried shiitake mushrooms, Koya tofu, and lentils can be soaked in yogurt. I think it's a recipe that has different tastes, so please try the first recipe from a small amount.