How to make homemade yuzu ponzu
If you get a lot of yuzu ♪

Today December 22nd is the winter solstice. The winter solstice is pumpkin and yuzuyu, so I got a lot from my parents' house the other day.

Yuzu image image
It's Yuzu season ~

I decided to make homemade ponzu with the surplus yuzu this year. When I looked it up, it was surprisingly easy to just mix the ingredients and ripen it, so I will introduce how to make it with reference to the official website of Asahi Breweries.

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu

■ Ingredients (for 4 people) * In the article, it is adjusted according to the amount of fruit juice.

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu

Yuzu juice (squeezed juice) 300cc
Rice vinegar 165cc
Salty soy sauce 300cc
Mirin 65cc
Katsuobushi 10g (0.35oz)
Dashi kelp 5 cm square

■ How to make
1. 1. Yuzu squeezes and rubs seeds

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu

2. Put all ingredients in a clean jar or stainless steel container, mix and ripen in a cool, dark place for about 10 days.

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu

3. 3. Spread a paper towel on the colander and rub it. Transfer to a storage bottle and store in the refrigerator (can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 year)

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu
Strain with a paper towel

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu
Complete. Refreshing and delicious!

If you don't have time, you can use it for just one day, but by aging it at room temperature for 10 days to 2 weeks, the sour horns will be removed and the taste will be more mellow. Since you can choose salty soy sauce and mirin, you can make your own taste only by hand.

Freeze without throwing away the skin

The good thing about Yuzu is that you can use it without leaving the skin. If you peel it thinly, cut it into thin strips, and store it in a freezer, it will be useful as a decoration for cooking. First of all, you can cut out the flesh cleanly and use it as a container for New Year dishes.

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu
Add yuzu accents to your usual dishes

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu
Even if you use it for New Year's cooking

Even in winter when the temperature is low, the containers and cooking utensils must be disinfected. Winter dishes such as hot pot dishes and yudofu will be even more delicious, so if you get a lot of yuzu, please try it!

How to make homemade yuzu ponzu
Clean other than the storage bottle!