Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
Camp's classic sweets become Natural Lawson ♪

"S'more" is a cookie sandwiched between hot marshmallows and chocolate. If you make it at a barbecue or camping, you can eat it endlessly.

Image of s'more
The image is an image

The sweets "Rocky S'more", which is based on the image of such s'more, is now on sale at Natural Lawson. I tried to compare it with a new flavor using "Amajukuo" banana.

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
I'm glad I missed the last sale (February)

The shop's "Rocky S'more" is a tart dough topped with ganache and marshmallows, baked on the surface, and topped with caramelized crushed almonds. The texture of plump marshmallows, crispy tart, and crunchy nuts is just lively! Marshmallow, rich chocolate, and fragrant caramel are mixed with different sweetness to give a feeling of well-being to the tongue and heart.

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
Full of nuts

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
You can feel completely American

The "Rocky S'more Amajuou Banana", which just appeared the other day, has a cute pale yellow color using the "Amajukuo" banana paste. Somehow I feel the scent of banana and the mellow sweetness, not the banana taste. Of course, the chocolate goes perfectly with the fragrant sliced almonds. The sweetness was less than that of the nuts.

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
S'more, the sweet-ripe king, is sliced almonds

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
There is no doubt that the combination of chocolate and banana

Both are chilled sweets, so if you want a "warm marshmallow feeling", warm it in the microwave for a little less than 10 to 20 seconds to melt the marshmallows and make you feel like you've baked them in a camp.

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
I don't recommend it because it will look like this when cut and warmed ...

Natural Lawson "Rocky S'more"
The creamy marshmallows are also good

Rocky s'more is perfect when you want to make a break, though it's sweet but not too heavy. If you missed eating last time, please take this opportunity to try it ♪