Useful on busy days! Freezing pasta
Introducing the frozen storage method of pasta. You can easily cook even on busy days by putting each serving in a wrap and storage bag and freezing it.
Raw materials pasta
Tool Wrap, storage bag
Working hours 25Minutes
1. Boil the pasta and put it in a colander to drain it.
2. While hot, sprinkle a little salad oil over it.
3. Wrap each serving in plastic wrap, put it in a storage bag, deflate the air inside, and then seal it.
4. Put it in the freezer and start storing. The standard storage period is one month.
5. When eating, heat it in the microwave while wrapping it in plastic wrap. A guideline is about 2 minutes at 500W and 600W.

How to freeze pasta

Although it is a typical short-time dish, pasta has a little time-consuming process of "boil water, boil it, put it in a colander and drain it ...". If you keep it frozen in a boiled state, you can cook it more easily. I will show you how to do that.

Useful on busy days! Freezing pasta

1. 1. Boil the pasta and put it in a colander to drain it.

Step 1 Freezing pasta
Drain the boiled pasta

2. Sprinkle a small amount of salad oil on the noodles while it is still hot to prevent the noodles from sticking to each other.

Step 2 Freezing pasta
Sprinkle with salad oil

Freezing pasta
Sprinkle it all over to prevent it from sticking

3. 3. Spread each serving flat so that it can be easily thawed, and wrap it tightly in a wrap.

Step 3 Freezing pasta
Make it as flat as possible to make it easier to thaw

Four. Put it in a storage bag and deflate the air inside, then seal it. Put it in the freezer and start storing. The standard storage period is one month.

Freezing pasta
After putting it in a storage bag and sealing it,

Step 4 Freezing pasta
Put it in the freezer and start storing

Five. When eating, heat it in the microwave while wrapping it in plastic wrap. A guideline is about 2 minutes at 500W and 600W.

Step 5 Freezing pasta
Heat in the microwave for about 2 minutes according to the amount

The flavor and texture of the thawed frozen pasta is slightly reduced, but if you mix it with sauce, it will be almost unnoticeable. Ideally, the boil time before freezing should be reduced a little by adding the amount to be heated in the microwave, and then hardened. However, if you are not a person who is particular about texture, you can use normal boil time. It is good to boil it for freezing, but if you use a method such as "boil 300g (10.58oz) where you need 200g (7.05oz) for cooking, and then set aside 100g (3.53oz) for freezing", you can save the trouble of boiling water separately.

Freezing pasta
The flavor and texture are a little off, but you can enjoy it by seasoning it.

If you divide it into small pieces, Napolitan for garnishing Western food and frozen pasta that is also useful for making meals for infants. Why don't you stock it when you have time?