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A treasure trove of exquisite Japanese gourmet food! 5 things to buy first at "Kusefuku Shoten"

Shops where you can find "good Japanese food"

"Kusefuku Shoten" is a food select shop based on the concept of "The Japanese Gourmet Store". There are more than 60 stores nationwide from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and we have a wide variety of gems and discerning in-house manufactured products from each region.

The signature product, "A versatile soup stock with a rich flavor," is delicious even if you drink it as it is, and you can also make simmered dishes and hot pots well.

The number of products is about 2,000 items. I think there are many people who honestly don't know what to buy because there are too many. So this time, I would like to introduce 5 items that the author, who is addicted to the store, wants to try first.

・ Japanese-style wakame soup

Our regular soup

A soup that I have never run out of at my house since I bought it for the first time. You can make it just by pouring hot water, so it's convenient when you want a little soup. The soup stock works well, and the crunchy texture of chopped mekabu and gome kelp is also fun. 90g (3.17oz), 500 yen (excluding tax, same below).

If you mix it with rice and make it into rice balls, it will be a horse (be careful not to overfill)

・ Sticky kelp Nozawana

The strongest rice companion

Pickles that you can enjoy crispy Nozawana and sticky Hokkaido kelp at the same time. You can eat it as it is on rice, or you can use the all-purpose soup stock to make it delicious. 180g (6.35oz), 500 yen.

You can feel light even when you have no appetite

·Sweet Sake

Amazake with a wide variety of types (image is 400g (14.11oz), 500 yen)

Also known as "drinking drip", amazake is booming mainly for women. Amazake at the restaurant is worth a try, not only for those who like it, but also for those who don't usually drink it. It is sweet like Japanese sweets, has no habit, and is easy to drink. I personally recommend splitting milk.

・ Tofu donuts

It's a bit different from ordinary donuts (the image is lemon and matcha)

Signboard products lined up with dashi stock. The special tofu that was selected for the donuts is used, and the dough is moist, fine and smooth. It has various flavors, so it is also recommended as a souvenir. One piece is 149 yen.

It disappears in a blink of an eye when you start eating

・ Tokoroten New Summer Orange

Tokoroten with a new sensation

"Old-fashioned Tokoroten from Nishiizu" is made from the deep sea water of Mt. Amagi and selected Amakusa using a traditional method. The crispy and chewy texture is wonderful, and when combined with the sweet and sour honey with the juice of New Summer Orange, it becomes an excellent dessert. I think it's especially fresh for people who are usually "vinegar and soy sauce". 350 yen.

Tokoroten taste in a good way

There is no doubt that the products of Kuzefuku Shoten, where you can enjoy the familiar Japanese food in a slightly luxurious mood, will be a great gift for the elderly. If you see it at a shopping mall, please stop by!
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