Home   »   Gourmet at home   »   [Recipe] This year's Setsubun is a mellow cheese dak-galbi in Ehomaki ♪ Convenient goods that are easy and beautiful to finish

[Recipe] This year's Setsubun is a mellow cheese dak-galbi in Ehomaki ♪ Convenient goods that are easy and beautiful to finish

Cheese Dak-galbi roll

Easy-to-eat norimaki of "Cheese Dak-galbi" which was very popular this year ♪

Material ( For 3-4 thick rolls )
cabbage 1/4 piece
Chicken thigh 500g (17.64oz)
garlic 1 piece
ginger 1 piece
★ Gochujang 2 tablespoons
★ Ichimitsu Chili 1 tablespoon
★ Salty soy sauce 2 tablespoons
★ Sake 2 tablespoons
★ Sugar 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil Appropriate amount
Mixed cheese 200g (7.05oz)
Glue (whole form) Appropriate amount
cooked rice Appropriate amount
Melty cheese and sweet and spicy chicken are irresistible!

The gourmet that became a hot topic this winter is "Cheese Dak-galbi" . It is a Korean dish where you have plenty of cheese entwined with sweet and spicy seasoned chicken and vegetables.

"Cheese Dak-galbi" which is popular among young people

This time, we will introduce the recipe of "Cheese Dak-galbi roll" which is made from this cheese dak-galbi into a more easy-to-eat "Norimaki" and convenient norimaki goods. How about going to Ehomaki at home for Setsubun in February?

Finish with gochujang for a full-fledged taste * I make half the amount

[How to make]
1. Wash the cabbage into 1 cm squares, and remove the skin from the chicken thighs and cut into slightly elongated bite-sized pieces.

Cut into strips for easy winding

2. Mix the seasonings marked with a star and grate the garlic and ginger (tubes are also OK).
3. Put cabbage, chicken thighs and seasonings in a bowl and mix well.

4. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, add 3 and fry.

5. Cover and cook the chicken, open the center and add the mixed cheese.

6. Cover and turn off the heat when the cheese melts.

I want to eat it as it is ...!

When the hot cheese dak-galbi is completed, it is finally rolled up. In order to make it easier, I used the glue-wrapped type "Norimaki DAYS Taimaki" this time.

KOKUBO's "Norimaki DAYS" An excellent product that allows you to make beautiful thick rolls without "rolling"

Rice does not stick due to the uneven surface processing

Wet the mold with water and stuff it in the order of rice, dak-galbi, cheese, and rice.

Indent the center of the rice

Put the ingredients and cheese on it and cover it with rice.

Cover it with another mold, hold it firmly, turn it over and press the bottom, and the rice sticks will come out.

If you press firmly

It comes out from the mold

The rest is completed by wrapping it with whole glue. When cutting a thick roll, you can cut it cleanly by moistening the knife with water.

It was done in no time

Let's eat

The cheese dak-galbi roll, which is a mixture of spicy meat, the sweetness of cabbage, mellow cheese, and the flavor of seaweed, is definitely a favorite taste for both adults and children! Please enjoy making it while adjusting the amount of spiciness and ingredients to your liking. * Recipe reference source: [Norimaki DAYS] Cheese Dak-galbi roll by KOKUBO

Even if you cut it long and bite it ♪
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