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The meat-free hamburger "Zero Meat" is usually delicious! The rough texture is also reproduced

Healthy with reduced calories and fat. Introducing the meat-free hamburger "Zero Meat".

A product that uses soybeans as the main ingredient and reproduces the texture and flavor of meat without using any meat. There are two types, one with a simple demiglace sauce and one with cheese-style soymilk cream inside. It will go on sale in November 2018, and will be manufactured by Otsuka Foods, which is famous for its Bon Curry.

This time, I got it at Natural Lawson in Tokyo. The price was 278 yen each (excluding tax).

It is a refrigerated product, and when you eat it, warm it in a microwave oven or a water bath.

Lentin is possible in the bag

The texture that unravels when you bite it is certainly like coarse meat! When I think of meat-free, I think of tofu hamburger, but I feel that it is much closer to meat than that.

As the rich and rich demiglace sauce gradually dilutes, you can feel the savory umami. It's a little different from meat, but obviously soybeans! It's not like that, it's a light taste without any habit.

Cheese-style soymilk cream has a thick and rich taste. Compared to animal cheese, this also has the impression that it has no habit and has a refreshing aftertaste.

Personally, I felt that the reproducibility was quite high as a food of the type that "reproduces meat dishes without using meat". If you are interested, please give it a try!
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