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No oven required! Excellent roast beef recipe with rice cooker --No failure even in the cold season

Easy with a rice cooker & no mistakes! Roast beef recipe

A simple roast beef recipe made using a rice cooker with a heat retaining function. The point is to bring the meat to room temperature before baking.

Material ( For 4 people )
Beef thigh (block) 400g (14.11oz)
salt 1/2 teaspoon
pepper a little
Olive oil 1 tablespoon

Roast beef that makes your Christmas or New Year's dining table gorgeous. I want to make it by hand to keep costs down, but I don't have an oven at home ... I would like to introduce a simple recipe using a rice cooker that is recommended for such people.

Ingredients (for 4 people)

・ Beef thigh (block) 400g (14.11oz)
・ 1/2 teaspoon of salt
・ A little pepper ・ 1 tablespoon of olive oil
・ Others: Rice cooker with heat retention function, zipper bag that can be sealed, straw

How to make

1. 1. Remove the beef from the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature. Put hot water of about 70 degrees in the rice cooker and keep it in heat retention mode.

2. Rub salt and pepper on the top, bottom, and sides of the meat.

Immediately before baking to prevent moisture from coming out

3. 3. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat and bake the entire surface of the meat. As a guide, 4 minutes each for the top and bottom and 2 minutes each for the side surface (when the thickness of the meat is about 4 cm).

Use tongs etc. to color the sides as well.

Four. Put the meat in a zipper bag and blow out the air inside with a straw to close the seal. Put it in a rice cooker, close the lid and keep it warm for 30-40 minutes.

The amount of hot water soaks the whole meat

Five. Take out the meat and let it rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature to complete.

Calm the gravy and complete

The meat finished in a beautiful rosé-colored cross section is moist, soft and delicious! By using beef thigh meat with few streaks and letting the meat rest and calming the gravy, even affordable imported meat will be deliciously finished. It is also important to bring the meat to room temperature before baking to prevent it from burning (30 to 2 hours according to the room temperature).

The frying pan with grilled meat is used as it is for making sauce without washing. You can work efficiently if you make it while keeping it warm (the image is a Japanese-style sauce of ponzu, butter, and black pepper). You can arrange it into a bowl or sandwich, so please try it in a lump!

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